Martin Chen

General Manager

AhP-Tech Inc.

Fred Tai

Chief Operating Officer

AhP-Tech Inc.

AhP-Tech is focusing on operating a PaaS in a cloud environment with quantum computing related technologies through Kubernetes systems and an Elastic Kubernetes Service. At present, this PaaS adopts Volt Active Data Platform as a back-end In-Memory DB located on AWS, integrates quantum random number generators powered by ID Quantique as a hashing factory located in AhP-Tech’s proprietary data center, and will leverage Quantum Computing Platforms for performing quantum algorithms. The involved services will enhance or facilitate the applications in the fields of Quantum Information Security, Quantum AI, PQC solutions, and Conventional Cyber Security.

2F., No.50-1, Sec.1, Dingping Rd., Shiding Dist.,
New Taipei City 223, Taiwan (R.O.C.),

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